Thoughts and observations on God, Culture, and Life in general.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Talk is Cheap

Had dinner w/ a friend of mine tonight named Josh. I don't think any of us really understood why we were meeting, but God knew. Turns out we are both kind of searching, looking for direction and trying to find the path we've either fallen off of or run from. A lot of our discussion continued around my constant inner-dialogue regarding wealth and living in America and how that fits with following Jesus. We talked about things like how we can talk all we want, but our lives never seem to change. And we think about James calling us to not have faith without any good works, and even though I have some good ones and there are possibly certain people who would be impressed w/ my level of sacrifice, but honestly, I think I could do better. I'm still self consumed, focussed, entranced and living minute by minute to please me.
Where is all my life heading? I've only got one, and there is a distinct possibility I'm going to waste it...

Live the life you have, or at least make it worth living...

Friday, September 09, 2005

Need I Say More?

Thursday, September 08, 2005


The Shanes are coming! The Shanes are coming! Yep that's right folks, a first for Shane and Shane is their upcoming release of their lived CD/DVD called "An Evening with Shane and Shane" releasing September 13. This is good news for old fans and new. Worshiping with the Shanes is an amazing opportunity and you will get to experience their sincere hearts and quirky humor (hopefully) for yourselves in the comfort of your own sanctuary - err, home that is. Check out their website for more info by clicking on the title of this post! I can't wait!

Friday, September 02, 2005


I took Friday off from the office to do some reading for work. It hasn't been as productive as I would have liked, but I'm covering some material that will be essential to my future success in this industry.

Jen and I have a long weekend planned at the cottage. It will be a nice break from the world and our responsibilities. Weather should be good and time spent with family will be just enough.

My heart goes out to the families in disarray down south right now. I cannot even imagine the chaos they are living in right now. Our government, despite its effectiveness, it doing all it can and I feel myself quite frustrated in my inability to truly be of assistance to people in need. That must be my savior complex in me. But as for me, I will praise God for these people even when they cannot bear to, because He is still God and still good, even when bad things happen.

Enjoy the randomness of this blog and the holiday ahead!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Did I say 4th Row?

Well much to my dismay, my fourth row Jack Johnson tickets turned out to be general admission Pavillion tickets. When you arrive an hour before the show, you are not going to be anywhere close to the 4th row. It was a good show however, by Jack Johnson standards. He basically played every song I've ever heard by him, about 3 albums worth in 2 hours. It was also the antitheses of the previous night seeing the epitomy rockstars of the momen ColdPlay dancing around with their rockstar moves, playing rockstar guitar solos and running into the crowd to sing. In fact, Jack did really little moving except to change which guitar he was playing, grab a new pick or take a drink in between songs. And yet while I could have had the same experience with my iPod at home less the pot-smoking college students who parked themselves one row in front of my friend Drew and me, I found myself happy to be doing something other than nothing.

The night ended with us slipping out early through the VIP parking drive (which we did have tickets for) and then heading home around 11. I have realized one thing as I've been at work for a bit over 4 hours already today, and that is I am OLD. I cannot go to live shows 2 nights in a row and them come in and be the production horse our firm desires. Oh well, they (my firm) will get used to it I suppose.

- I work to live, I don't live to work