Thoughts and observations on God, Culture, and Life in general.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Lately, my weekends have been feeling - well not so weekendish... It's kind of a sad state I'm finding myself in. I work all week, only to work more on the weekend. In the midst of it all I'm trying to balance a personal life, leading worship, engaging with my friends when I see them and not totally blowing everyone off just to work more. What's funny is that when I was younger and apparently pretty naive, I thought people who worked late or long hours were cool, or driven and usually successful. Now I know the real truth - the were simply tired. Probably tired of the hours, tired of feeling the pressure in their minds and in their shoulders... and probably even just a bit tired of life itself. Unfortunately, I now know this feeling all too well.

I know that I am the kind of person who doesn't want to let people down, but life is just too short to spend it working constantly - or to be constantly thinking about work... This weekend when I head over to my family's cottage on Diamond Island in Cassopolis, MI to lay a tile floor in the kitchen with my dad, I will be resting... Despite the intense physical labor I may endure, I will be resting in comparison to the non-stop life I lead now...

That's all I know 4.5 days and counting until I can relax - I hope...


Blogger Sander Chan said...

Sounds familiar, sometimes work makes me undergo life rather than live life.

6:50 PM


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