Thoughts and observations on God, Culture, and Life in general.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Brand New and finally through...

Life as it turns out rarely turns out the way we hope. (as I'm writing that, I feel that I have blogged this before). My life as it were never took the linear lines I thought it would. Check out these current stats on my life:

I attended 3 colleges in 5 years (was never kicked out - I left voluntarily, seriously).

I have had 4 jobs in the 4 years since I graduated from college, despite having been at my current one for the past 2 years or so

I rarely discuss major purchases in my life with anyone - you can ask my wife

I never thought I would get married, despite wanting to have kids and a family... mostly because
I feared failure i.e. not being a good father, husband, neglecting my wife, losing romance etc...

I had a life changing accident while in college, I couldn't walk for more than a month and in that time learned to play guitar, which I later used to begin leading worship at churches... God completely used that to change my life and the lives of those around me - or so I'm told

I have had this blog for over a year and yet rarely write in it and it is rarely read and even less rarely commented on.

All that said, I wouldn't change a thing, not the colleges, or the accident, the failing blog or waiting to marry. Instead I look to the way life seems to pour itself out in front of me and choose to see the good and the God in it. Even when life turns me on my head like yesterday at work... I have hope and usually, a fairly good attitude.

Now for the great "TaDa." This blog is over done... It's time for a new thing - sure there will be others, but for now, this one will be as it is - complete.


Blogger Jimmy Hoogewind said...

does that mean this comment won't be read? i only comment on blogs where i know what i have to say will be read... just kidding... love ya, Will! :-)

by the way, does this mean i should take the link to your blog off my blog?

10:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

too bad, so sad. maybe if you got a mac, your life would change and blogging would become easier and more fun... maybe you would become both of those things... errr... i mean...

(nothing but love.. and a raw sense of humor)

2:51 PM

Blogger Jim N. said...

Sorry to see the end...your transparency and divine discontent with the status quo has been a catalyst for my own reflection.

10:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALL of that just means you are a typical twentysomething get over yourself and start blogging again.

3:45 PM

Blogger Sander Chan said...

Thank you for sharing about your life though!

1:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog is amzing and well i think sometimes life has drifferent strange turns but , i would love to play an instrument and maybe even get married but i just wanted you to kow that i do like your blog and you should come back

9:27 PM


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