Thoughts and observations on God, Culture, and Life in general.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

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Last night ColdPlay tonight Jack Johnson (4th row)! That is a great night, not exactly the type of things that turn me into a stellar worker, but all the same very entertaining. The great thing about going to shows is sometimes the music, and tonight it will undoubtedly be such. Last night however was all about the lights and video. ColdPlay in their never-ending strive to be the next U2 had the completed package, which may take away from some of the botched lyrics and missed starting chords that Chris Martin was at least man enough to own up to. All in all thought, a great show. Tonight, in true Jack Johnson form will be about the groove of his music. Lightshows and video are secondary to the jam as it is with most acoustic based jam-bands. I will report back tomorrow, hopefully w/ pictures.


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