Thoughts and observations on God, Culture, and Life in general.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Here we go again...

I've been blogging for a little over a year now. It started as an expression of who I am as a person shouting on the inside, but often times quiet on the outside. What began as simple expression, has become one of my favorite past times to keep friends and family up to date on an otherwise drab life here. I say

here we go again

for the title because I've been blogging at for he past year and while it's been good, I'm cheap and never wanted to pay the $3 or $4 dollars to have pictures on my site. So a friend of mine pointed me the direction of and I haven't looked back since. So welcome to my blog and for those of you who have existentially been journeying through life with me via my blog, welcome back. I hope this new ride is enjoyable and a chance for all of us to share thoughts on my perspective on life.

Seriously, your thoughts are very welcome here, especially if they differ from my own. I never want to stop growing in life and I think that means I have to constantly be open to challenging my own perspectives on life. Who knows, we may all just learn something about our lives and ourselves along the way.


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